Heute möchte ich Euch einen alten Reisekumpel vorstellen, den ich vor vielen Jahren auf den Fiji´s kennengelernt habe. Wir wohnten ne Woche lang mit zig anderen Backpackern aus aller Herren Ländern auf ner Miniinsel namens Nananui-I-Ra in einem rumpeligen Häuschen und hatten ne ziemlich gute Zeit.
Domen kommt aus Slovenien, ist verheiratet, Papa von zwei entzückenden Kindern und Gründer des erfolgreichen Outdoor-Unternehmens 3glav adventures in Bled. Er ist ein ausgesprochener Travel- und Adrenalinjunkie und schlägt mich damit um Längen (muss ich jetzt mal neidlos zugeben 😉 ).
Vor seinen Kindern hat er schon die halbe Welt bereist. Mit Kindern ist er nicht minder aktiv, nur vielleicht etwas „gesitteter“. Einmal im Jahr geht er in den Wintermonaten für ein paar Monate auf Reisen. Diesen Winter waren sie in Florida und der Karibik, davor in Thailand.
Domen, when did you started travelling and why?
I was traveling with my parents since I was in a diapers and I love it since I can remember. It’s this feeling exploring the unknown corners of our beautiful planet that keeps me sleepless and restless till I pack my bag and go to each single trip. My first big trip solo was back in 1994 when I took a year off between my high school and university and left solo to Australia and New Zealand and since that year I cruise around the world for 3-6 months each year and still love every single moment.
What was your greatest trip? Without kids and with kids.
All my trips were greatest – each one is special and unrepeatable – I love discovering new places and I like to return to places that I have good memories from the past travels. Everywhere is different, but beautiful and fun, you just need to see it from that perspective. Even now in Copenhagen with 2 weeks of rain most of the time we’re still having amazing time.
Do you have any tips for travelling with small children?
My tip for traveling with infants, babies and little kids is simple – just keep it simple and that everything is really simple. :O)
Which three things do you always carry with you on your trips?
I try to pack and travel light and I love the sun, so I alway tend to chase the sun – all I need are flip flops, swimming shorts and sun glasses – I can survive with only this 3 and can not survive without any of this 3. :O)
You love Outdoor-Acivities, as we can see on your founded business 3glav adventures. Which activity do you love most?
I have too many activities I love, from simple trail running, mountain biking, but from our adventures I love our half day Canyoning trip and a whole day Emerald River Adventure.
Do you think your children will have a benefit in their future life from their traveling?
I am sure our kids will benefit from our travels as I can see they have even more sparkles in their eyes and more laughs when we’re on the road than being at home. You can just tell they enjoy even more than us adults and it opens their minds forever, as it does to us. They play with other kids around the world without knowing their language but they can play together so easily and that’s beautiful to watch.
Where do you feel at home?
Home is our planet, beautiful Earth, we should be more careful with it. But wherever you put me – mountains, oceans & seas, deserts or jungles, baby I am home. :O) But I guess I always love to come back to Bled, Slovenia and man i love it, but after few days, I would like to start packing my bag again… ;O)
Thanks Domen! Love your answers and didn´t expect anything else. You´re a damn lucky dog. ;O)
Derzeit ist Domen mit seiner Familie in Kopenhagen/ Dänemark. Housesharing mit Freunden. Auch ne Alternative um die Reisekasse schmaler zu halten und Land und Leute sicher auch mal aus ner anderen Perpektive kennenzulernen.
Will irgendwer sein schickes Haus auf Hawaii oder in Kapstadt mit uns tauschen? Bin sofort dabei. :o)
Frau Hibbel
Cooler Typ 🙂
Sobald ich mein Haus auf den Bahamas habe, gebe ich dir Bescheid!
Cooler Typ 🙂
Sobald ich mein Haus auf den Bahamas habe, gebe ich dir Bescheid!